Zen Core for TroutHunter Tippet Spools
In the spirit of “Less Hassle – More Fish” and to prove we listen to our customers, we proudly introduce the Zen Core for TroutHunter Tippet. A Zen Core is a 2-part hub designed for TroutHunter Tippet Spools that when attached will allow you to use the tippet on your favorite Tippet carrying tool.
We have heard from many TroutHunter users that they love the tippet, they love our Pro Bands on the TroutHunter spools and if they could put it on their Tippet T or Tippet Headgate then life would be complete. Well now it is – you can now use your TroutHunter on any carrier, nested together or inline with other brands!
Simply snap the two parts together to create an inner hub that will play friendly with most Tippet T’s, Headgates, and other tippet carrying devices.
The Zen Core is reusable, light-weight, and a 3-pack will work for a whole setup of TroutHunter Tippet spools. Simple use one on each end and one a middle spool for the desired result.
A 3-pack of Zen Cores is $7.50.
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